Camping In Style

Friday evening Shane, Heather, and Jackson came over for a campout in our backyard. We cooked dinner in the dutch ovens, but ate inside. Then we had apple crisp with homemade vannila ice cream. After dinner we sat on the back patio and talked as Jackson and Grandpa watched land before time, and not in the house oh no, because if you are camping in your back yard you have to camp in style. Backyard camping essentials are, T.V. with dvd player and vcr. A fan to keep cool while trying to sleep without air conditioning. And of course my favorite my mattress with sheets and blankets. It was the best night sleep I have ever had in a tent. Breakfast was also cooked in the dutch ovens, but this time we ate out side in the cool air of the morning. we had eggs, hashbrowns, ham, and cheese all in one( I don't know what it is called so I just explained it). And that breakfast left me full till about 3:oo in the afternoon. And that ended our camping trip, so we packed our bags and walked up the stairs home.
In the breakfast picture everyone looks like they went camping the night before! :) It looks like a lot of fun!
My favorite shot is Jackson's little legs dangling off the chair during breakfast! What a great camping trip.
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