Final Stimulation Purchase

This week is spring break and maybe something amazing will happen that will deserve a blog post. Don't get any hopes up though. If anyone has any good campaigning slogans with the name Ware or Taylor in them, they would be much appreciated. Go Spartans.

What's the campaign for? We should be able to come up with some good ones.
I'm glad you are all rooting against me. Makes me feel loved....
Wait, I don't get it. Neither of you have a chance of winning anyway.
Sorry Kenz but Michigan State is really cool, and I don't like UNC.
The campaign is for SBO.
Great looking computer. Thanks for indulging me.
BeWARE of the competition. Vote Taylor!
Don't leave this school unaWARE, vote Taylor.
Vote Taylor. He's aWARE.
Want a (Pres, VP, Sec, Treas) that get's things done?
Taylor's Swift. He'll get you Ware you want to go.
Taylor'sMade for the job.
Those are all very good, thanks for the help.
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