This was a busy but fun weekend. Friday was all of the election stuff. I didn't make it unfortunately. It was a fun experience to campaign and stuff.

Saturday morning our prom group had a paint fight. There was supposed to be some organization in it, but of course that didn't happen. The guys were anxiously waiting to drench the girls in paint and when the anticipation was to great, warfare started. For a good thirty minutes, paint was just flying everywhere. It washed off really easily.

For dinner we went to Ruby River. They had some good steak. We did get a limo and that was cool. We would pour Capri Sun into the champagne glasses to make ourselves look sophisticated.

When we got back to the gym we did the Promenade dance thingy. It was pretty fun actually. This picture up here is where I end. I am about 3 feet away from the person on the front row. I wasn't going to let the spectators just look at my blank face. So I found someone in the crowd, and gave them a wink. It was very successful.

After promenade we went and got pictures and then actually stayed and danced. That was really fun. It was a really fun day.
Sounds like a great Prom! Thanks for the great pictures...and how lucky to get a limo!!!!! Glad you had a good time, and brings back some fun memories from my glory days :) Winks to the crowd--awesome!
Good looking tux! Sounds like fun.
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