One down, Seven to go
This last week started a period of 8 straight full weeks of school for me and Taylor. Luckily when we are done with those 8 weeks we have that last three day week, which is useless, and then we are done with school. So pumped, for those that don't know I got a season pass to the golf course so my summer is going to consist of 18-36 holes a day, Yah Yahee.
Church Volleyball is still going on and I continue to dominate. Volleyball is a lot easier when you can jump a foot higher than anyone else. Speaking of that I can now Darius dunk it, that is when you lay it up and then grab the rim on the way down with your fingertips. I am getting really close to my goal of throwing it down during try-outs next year. Back to volleyball, what also helps is that we play on the women's nets so that gives me like another 5 inches to play with.

This is me serving.

Setting up for the spike.

Getting ready to block the Young Men's President.
Good luck on the dunking, and enjoy the hops while they last...
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