I guess since neither mom or dad will update the blog I will jot down a little bit just so the most recent post isn't from July. So I just finished up my first semester at BYU.

The college life is great, so much better than high school its not even a contest. It helped that my classes this semester were ridiculously easy and I spent more time watching TV then I did studying. And a small word of advice, if any of your kids go into statistics have them take AP Stat in high school. So far my first two stat classes have been reviews of AP just adding a little more detail. The all-sport pass is easily the best investment I made, the football games were great, the basketball games have been good so far, only 2 days until Baylor comes to town!! Although I was thoroughly surprised that the women's game vs. Utah had about 1,000 fans and most of them were families. Didn't seem like a rivalry game to me. But I mean that pretty much sums up that semester, pretty basic and boring haha
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