
Last tuesday we had quite a storm. We were in grantsville having football practice and it was a little cloudy, but nothing big. Then it started getting a little breezy, but still nothing big. So we are driving home and it starts sprinkling, ok nothing big. We turn into stansbury down by the stake center and still nothing. We finally turn down the elementary road and it is pretty windy so we are almost to the street of our house when we see this twister looking thing on another street. So we go after it and we got right in the middle of it, there was shingles flying all around us and garbage( It was garbage day so that didn't help) so we turn down by the soccer fields and it is really windy and we can see what looks like a pretty big twister but it wasn't coming from the sky but from the ground so that was cool. There was a ton of garbage everywhere and people were running to there cars. We then turned down aberdeen and there is a lot of garbage on the road and a garbage can started blowing towards our car so we swerved out of the way. We saw a trampoline almost come over a fence and right at us. then we turn onto fairway and there is another trampoline in a tree about to blow out. It was pretty cool actually. The news was out here and our house was on the news. There were a lot of trees uprooted our tree by the firehydrant blew down and all our fruit blew off the trees.
So we played carbon in football this week and the j.v. game was just a blast. I went in for a few plays on defense in the first half. And at halftime the score was 32-8 so they put in all the second string offense and stuff so in the second half i got some reps on offense as well, and that was really cool because i got to see how much i had improved from last year. In the end we won 52-22. It should of been 52-8 but when our 5'0" 90 pound corner went in they passed to his side and scored twice. But who cares we won by a ton anyway. The varsity(which luckly i got out of because we had to go to carbon, its no fun to travel 3 hours to stand on the sideline) got a W also but not in the fashion we did they won 10-7. But for beating carbon by that little doesn't say much for the rest of our season, but hey we got Ogden and Ben Lomond to look forward to. But atleast the J.V. will do really well
Great post. Makes me want to watch Twister!
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