It has finally been cooling down around here. Temps are in the mid 70's. Ok enough about temps. Guess who beat the worst football team ( Carbon) in all of high school. Yep we did. Guess who acted like we won a state championship after our win. Yep we did. I am excited that we won and all, but at some time you have got to come down from cloud 9, and get back to reality. The score ended up being 61-20. I got to go in with about 7 minutes left in the game. It was fun to play under the lights and all. Ok enough about varstiy. JV was a very fun game. The end score was 42-12. I had 3 catches, 2 runs, 2 first downs, and
1 fumble. Brett on the other hand had 1 catch, 1 touchdown. The play that he scored on was the play that I ran earlier and it didn't work for me. At first I was mad and all, but I will hopefully get my share of glory at a home with a lot more people watching.

Saturday we went up to Grandma and Grandpas house to watch the BYU game. That was a fun game to watch for the first half. I got a little boring in the second half, but it was still fun to watch. After the game we went to the Italian Village for dinner. Today we had Regional Stake Conference, President Monson spoke, along with M. Russell Ballard and Elder Hinkley, who sounds just like his dad. It was a good conference and it only lasted an hour and a half instead of the planned 2 hours.
Is it really THAT cold in the mornings?? It finally feels good! Congrats on the good plays in your games! By the way, what ever happened to our Cowboy cards?
You guys totally lucked out with stake conference only being 1 1/2 hours! We suffered through our two hours two weeks ago!
Luckily we had a huge stash of Cheerios and a room all to ourselves.
Congrats on the State Championship!
I like how happy you were that Brett scored!
Oh, when brett scored, everyone was jumping up and down and stuff. I was just standing there. When I ran on to the field for PAT, everyone was like good job brett, etc. I looked at brett and said, Brett your dumb. In a joking way of course. Shane about your cowboy card, I didn't think you guys wanted one this year. We have one though that we won't use if you want it.
Seriosly though after I scored everyone acted as though that clinched the Super Bowl or something like that.
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