It was a pretty average week for us. Dad has started the closet downstairs, it won't be finished by the time Troy & Tracie come, but it will be closed off. We also bought a heater for down there, so now it won't be bitter cold down there. The 12 days of Christmas started today, but i don't know if I want to say what we got, I am a little afraid of the comments from the 3 older brothers. Oh well, Brett got a $25 gift certificate to Applebee's and $5. I got a new phone card. Yeah I know you 3, but blame Mom for not having you later. Just kidding, but no seriously. We are in much anticipation of the arrival of the Brooke... and Troy and Tracie.
Have fun texting away your phone card!! See you on Friday.
For real, it most likely will be gone by the time you guys are here, so no distractions from me.
So... Brett gifts a $25 gift certificate... AAAANNNNNDDDD $5 more. As if the gift certificate was not enough?!?!?! Spoiled kids!!!
Okay, not really. Those are great gifts. Don't worry Tay- us older kids, what with our acturialness and accountingness, we understand the time value of money and realize that inflation has changed the value of the 12 days of Christmas and time has compounded the interest of Grandpa's pension and investments so.... Okay, enough of that. So did you get your phone plan then?
I must say, that was well said Shane.
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