Homecoming: Back in Black

This week was homecoming, though really early it was still pretty fun(except for the game and we will get to that). It all started Monday with powder puff practice. Brett was the coach of the freshman girls and they were practicing at the same time as the sophmore girls. And even though i wasn't a coach I had to do something while waiting for brett to get done. So the sophmores practice finishes and the freshman are still going, so I go over and "scout out" the freshman. But I ended up just hanging out with some of the freshman coaches that just gave up all hope on the girls, and little by little a girl or two would even come over and hangout with us because they gave up all hope( and whats sad is that they were the best girls on the team but couldn't stand the girls that didn't even know what football was. The practice started at 6:00 and didn't end until 8:30, the sophmores on the other hand ended at about 6:30. And after all that they still didn't know how to play football. And it showed on Tuesday night with the sophmores beating the freshman 21- 0. Wednesday there was an activity but it was at the same time as our practice so I didn't go to that. Thursday we didn't have a J.V. game because Union didn't have a J.V. team. So the freshman played the Union Freshman/Sophmores. At half time it was 7-19 with Union winning. But Granstville played an awsome second half to come back and win 29-27, that was thursday. Friday didn't go so well. After school the "varsity" football team had to go be on a float for the parade that was boring. Now to the part Troy has been waiting for the game(I put all the other stuff in because the girls might get sick of football week after weekd) . We kick off and give them ok field position and on like the second play they threw a 60 yard touchdown pass to a 6'9" reciever. Then we go down and score too, we make the two point conversion and are up 8-7. Then Union goes down and scores again to make it 8-13. Right before the first half ended we were on the one yard line but didn't punch it in and it all went downhill from then. After halftime with it being a pretty close game they pass and they pass and they pass, usually just lobs and the recievers catch over us. We did break a kids neck though. So in the end the score was 8-42 with us losing to make our preseason record 1-4. So hopefully we will do good in region because all of the teams in our region have losing records but one, Logan, and that is who we play this week. So hopfully now that our record counts we might do something about it. sorry about the picture none of those guys are me brett took the picture and must not of been paying attention but you guys get the main idea
Well, at least you got to hang out with some Freshmen girls this week!!
Oh yeah that was pretty cool. Ha Ha
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