Weight Lifting Accident
This tops the football story amazingly for the week, but we will get to football. Saturday morning I was working out doing some lower body and I was doing reps from 125-245 so I was on 245 and I had Brett come and spot me. I did one rep and I "thought" I could do another, which I don't know why I even considered it because I did 225 only 2 times. but I tried and got stuck, instead of grabbing me as I was falling forward a little, Brett tried to grab the bar and hit his finger nail pretty hard on the bar. I fell over and let the bar roll over my head onto the ground. there were pegs down lower on the stand but I don't know why those didn't catch the bar. But anyways I pulled the right side of my back. I can pretty much do anything about 3/4 strenght but turn my torso, luckly we have icy hot patchs that last for 8 hours so that is nice. I don't know how long I will be out for football I want to come back Tueday but that would be miraculous. of course the week I pull my back is the week we are going to have a sophmore game were I would play almost the whole game. but it has improved a lot, I can run and stuff but turning is the main thing and you do a lot of that in football. speaking of football the J.V. dominated 36-6. I got a tackle but missed 3 so it was an ok game I got to go in on offense a little too. Varsity's story is a lot like the bear river game we were down 20-6 at half time and came back. With 5 seconds left we passed the ball to our reciever in the endzone for a TD. I went totally crazy completely forgeting that we had to make the extra point to win 26-27 and we did. 2 weeks in a row our kicker won the game for us. It was unbelievably freezing it was half snowing the whole game but exciting to watch and we made the playoffs. We play Ogden this week, which sounds like a breeze but they beat bear river 20-14 on Friday. There first region win since 2004.

ah, the perils of weightlifting. Hope you get better soon. So, do those Icy Hot patches really work? Shaq knows what he is talking about!
Ay yi yi. That sounds painful. Too bad about your game!
Sorry to hear about your accident, Tay. Golf, anyone? Just kidding!
ha ha yeah shaq doesn't know completely what he is talking about because i definetly couldn't play basketball with those on. but overall they work
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