
Byu Vs. Utah, a game where the Utah fans do the talking before the game so that Byu fans can do it after. Utah fans are just so polite huh. ha ha. Since all of you either went to the game or was on the phone while the last two minutes were in progress I won't talk about the game. Although the game was the highlight of the week a lot went on before the game also. Troy and Tracie arrived at our house about 3:00 p.m. Wednesday. Instead of staying at home with them I decided to go to the girls basketball game( for a very important reason which you will read about later). So the reason I went to the game is because during the visiting teams introduction we held up newspapers. ( just like Byu). When I get a picture of it i will definetly put it on the blog. It worked awsome too. Now it is just a tradition. I of course had the idea and provided the papers. So that was wednesday night. Thursday was thanksgiving right? Wrong! ok well not all the way wrong. On thanksgiving morning we opened christmas presents. It went really fast. Then we went to Tom and Patties for Thanksgiving. Before we ate we had a good but cold football game. So we just ate and watched football. Friday Me brett Troy and Tracie went to RC willey( at 11 o clock) to look for sectionals, then we went to grandmas and grandpas to get some books and go to lunch. We went to lunch at Karroos, a sandwich place. And the most awesome thing was the grandma and grandpa, when it came time to order said, just the regular, it was awesome. Saturday was the game. Brett got really sick right at the end of the game but he is feeling better now. That was our week. Now we have to go back to school, which is alright because Byu won. I almost forgot, the thing that brett remembers most about the weekend is that he got to play nintendo whenever he wanted. Troy and Tracie brought this nintendo thing with techmo bowl and contra. it was fun to watch i didn't ever play it looked to hard to me. And good job to byu basketball for beating louisville. Unfortionetly they lost to number one UNC.
You forgot to mention that I whooped all of you in the Mario vs. Luigi game and I beat Brett in Mariokart. That's definitely a first for me. Thanks for a great weekend
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