Tune up for Golf Try-outs
This past Thursday, Friday and Saturday mom and I tagged along on one of dad's business trips to Wyoming and Idaho. On Thursday afternoon we packed up and headed to Star Valley, Wyoming and stayed on the Cabin Creek Inn. If you haven't been there you have you own little cabin to stay in that are actually pretty nice inside.
Then when we woke up we packed up and headed off the Jackson Hole to deliver some cars and talk to some other courses in the that area. On are way to one of the courses there was this Snake River lookout place. It was a great veiw of the river and the Grand Tetons.

Then we headed off the Driggs, Wyoming. Why? Why else but to golf. We hit 9 holes at the Targhee Village golf course. It was a fun little 9 hole course out in the middle of nowhere.

We then made our way to Idaho Falls were we stayed in the Comfort Inn (not as cool as the Cabins). Then on Saturday we woke up and headed off the Sage Lakes golf course to hit 9 holes before we headed home. That was fun, it was a great course, the ground was so soft that I probably put more divots on there fairways then anyone before. But they were good divots meaning that I hit ball first so the ball went were I wanted it. You could say that I felt like a pro.

Then we headed off the Driggs, Wyoming. Why? Why else but to golf. We hit 9 holes at the Targhee Village golf course. It was a fun little 9 hole course out in the middle of nowhere.

We then made our way to Idaho Falls were we stayed in the Comfort Inn (not as cool as the Cabins). Then on Saturday we woke up and headed off the Sage Lakes golf course to hit 9 holes before we headed home. That was fun, it was a great course, the ground was so soft that I probably put more divots on there fairways then anyone before. But they were good divots meaning that I hit ball first so the ball went were I wanted it. You could say that I felt like a pro.
Plus I almost had a hole-in-one, on the 8th hole I hit my pitching wedge about a foot away from the pin and tapped in for the birdie.
Sounds like a great trip!! That'll make Taylor wish he hadn't gone to Californi!! (Kidding, kidding) What a great experience Brett.
Oh don't worry, there was golfing to be had down here.
Nice shirt!
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