We got our camera back early this week finally. So what better place to see if they fixed it than temple square. Our week got kindof exciting on Wednesday with brett having a game. They went up to coalville to play N. Summit. The freshman won, and the Varsity of course lost. Then on Friday they went up to park city to play park city. The Freshman once again won while the varsity lost. Only eleven more losses for varsity and Coach Sandberg is fired. ha ha. The girls went up to Union on friday. We killed them. Then on Saturday they went to Uintah and killed them. So we are on track for a very good season.

Jeremy was up here this weekend again. Friday we went monthly shopping and Jeremy sprayed 30 sprays of cologne on my coat, and let me tell you it was really strong and the coat was litteraly wet. Saturday we woke up and played some b-ball at the church with Shane. I twisted my ankle a little bit, not bad though, but it was on shanes shoes. Than we watched bourne ultamadum, and i fell asleep for the whole movie. We then headed up to salt lake to see the lights. It was really cold. We went to spaghetti factory for dinner. We were going to go to a house in murray to see lights and music, but it was a little late and Steve and Barrys was closed. Today we went to Cameron Walkers babies blessing with Jeremy, it was a good way to get out of church. Twelve days started on friday, we have already got the mcdonalds coupons out of the way, so everything is a suprise now.
#$!@ Shane's shoes!! Many a good ankle have been lost on those velcro bad boys!!
Is that the fourth Bourne out already? I've seem Ultimatum, but never bourne ultamadum!
shane actually got new shoes, so i don't think it is the shoes. And yes i forgot to mention that we watched the fourth bourne.
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