Undefeated and 0 points...again

Well yesterday we sucessfully went undefeated in Jr. Jazz, but once again I had no points. I had a ton of assists, but no points. I even missed an easy layup and both of my free throws. Overall it was a way fun game we won by like fifty. Track started on Wednesday so know I have something to do after school. It has been way fun so far, and it has been "warm". It was in the high 50's, for some that is warm. I am a little sore now but it is all worth it. Yesterday it was 60 degrees and Today there is about an inch of snow on the ground and it is 38 degrees. It sucks, it's March people it's not supposed to snow. Speaking of March only a couple of weeks untill the first round of March Madness. That was pretty much our week.
You're like Jason Kidd, who needs to score.
March is the snowiest month in Denver.
Good luck on your bracket, you will need it!!
Yea yea, talk all you want, but my actions speak louder than my words
as I have said before the title is staying in utah.
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