Labor Day Weekend
We had the opportunity of having Jackson, Kate, and Ellie in our home again. They arrived on Friday evening and just left Sunday afternoon.
Jackson wanted his picture taken next to "the" Y

Jackson woke up this morning with some wicked hair.
Finger-painting with colored whipped cream. 

Once they found out they could eat it, it was all over.

Jackson woke up this morning with some wicked hair.

Once they found out they could eat it, it was all over.

A ride on the golf cart with G-pa
In other news Taylor now gets the luxury of having a car down at college because they are travelling to Colorado Springs next saturday for the BYU- Air Force game. So now I have to drive the Saturn for the next week and a half.
I had my third golf tournament of the year on Thursday, I had worked out the swing troubles of the first two tourneys so I was feeling good. Then Murphy's law set in and right when the swing comes in the putting stroke leaves. Luckily I recovered the stroke later in the round and saved a 77. I shot an opening 40 that killed me. The ridiculous part was I tied for 11th and the top 10 in region go to state. So to know that I was one stroke off of the top 10 and that I left about 7 putts out on the course was frustrating.
The football team had their first home game of the season and I am proud to say that my support causes the team to dominate. Ogden had 4 turnovers in the first quarter and we took advantage of them and then coasted for a 51-0. Let's just say that the cheerleaders were pretty ripped by the end of the game. They actually didn't do push-ups on the last touchdown, they did 51 kicks.