Thursday, July 28, 2011

Food, Fun and Family - Who Needs More?

Lots of yummy food to be found at the 1st Annual Ware Family Reunion.

How did Kate get to be the lucky one to pull the other two on a "ride"?

The adults go "fishing" for money - how much did you get, Lynn?

The boys go "fishing" for treasures.

Now it's the girls turn to catch those treasures.

Scarlett drives Samara to the garage at the end of a wonderful weekend of food, fun, and family. Great memories!

Monday, July 18, 2011

It's Always Fun When Grandkids Come; When Grandkids Come to Stay

Friday night sleepover in the living room with the feature presentation of "Dumbo" playing on the little TV on the piano bench.

Saturday morning breakfast and Talmage joins the party.

"Caps for sale, caps for sale. Fifty cents a cap."Everyone had a turn being the cap peddler. Thanks Grandpa for the use of all the caps.

Saturday picnic outside. The kids said the blanket was a boat and all around them was water. The concrete was the sand. Check out the next picture to see how everyone swam to the island in the greenbelt.

What a great time we had! Grandkids are welcome here anytime (and parents are, too.)