In this week of gratitude, I believe that mom is grateful that she has grandchildren, and more over, that Brett and I will be out of the house in two years and she can focus solely on grandchildren. Just kidding mom, but no seriously.

Thanksgiving was a very very relaxing day. Eat, watch football, repeat as necessary. The only downfall is that if we needed a drink we would have to walk down three steps to get it; brutality at its finest there. Friday was yet another relaxing day. In the morning Brett and I had churchball practice, it was not the same without Troy there playing defense against us.

Saturday, Dad, a couple of my friends, and I went to the BYU vs. Utah game. It was a very fun game to watch and ended on a very good note. That was, atleast, until Max Hall decided that a win isn't good enough and he had to degrade Utah even more with his comments. That win almost doesn't matter in a sense because all everyone talks about is his comment. Oh well, the throwback jerseys were sweet.