This year's spring break was longer than usual because of the Teacher work day that came with the end of the term. So on Friday Taylor, Mom and I packed our things and started our trip to California to spend the week with Jer and Kenz. We got an early start, about 7 in the morning because it takes 12 hours of drive time to get there. The only thing that kept us going was the thought of a whole week in sunny California. Plus I pretty much played Gamecube throughout the entire drive, so it wasn't too bad. We arrived in the evening and just relaxed and watched some basketball.
Saturday started the real fun. We started off by helping Jer and Kenz do a final clean out of the old house. After that Jeremy, Taylor and I headed out to Copper River Country Club to play a round of golf with Kenz's dad Larry. We played a two-man scramble format where you switch the teams every three holes and each time a team wins a hole those two individuals get a point. The player with the most points at the end wins. Taylor came out victorious as he and Larry pared the last hole as Jer and I bogeyed. We went back to Jer's house and were suprised with the arrival of a lovesack for relaxing, and let me say that that thing is comfortable.

On Monday and Tuesday we treated Jer and Kenz to two days without having to worry about the kids, they went on a mini vacation down to Los Angeles. It was fun to have a few days of playing with the kids.

On Wednesday we went shopping and relaxed while Jeremy was at work. Then after a dinner of salmon and rice we headed off to the kid's most favorite place in entire world..........Chuck E Cheese's. You would have to pour about 400 grams of sugar into the kids to get them as excited as when they go to Chuck E Cheese's.
Jeremy had to work on Thursday again so we chilled again today which is cool. But Taylor and I left for a few hours to meet Jer at a par 3 course to get a little more golfing in. When we looked at the course layout we figured that this would probably one of the top three highlights of the week and it was. I came out like Tiger Woods and built a two-shot lead on Jer and a three-shot lead on Taylor in the first four holes. Then I proceeded to give back all those strokes on the fifth hole, Yah it sucked. But I fought back and ended up winning. Later that night after the kids were in bed, Jer, Kenz and I went to her parent's house to check out the putting green and hot tub for a possible trip there with the kids on Friday. Word of advice, allow the hot tub to cool down after you take the cover off. We did not do that and we were bright pink and red by the time we got out.
On Thursday night Jeremy said that he had to go in to work for a few hours early Friday morning. He wasn't kidding, I stirred to see him walk out the door, but by the time I had woken up and eaten breakfast he was home. Then while Taylor was at Magic Mountain with Riley, the rest of us hopped in the car to check out Jer's work (not CargoBay, the other one) and see the Fresno temple. We were going to go to Chick-fil-a for lunch but the kids lost that opportunity, little did they know we would go there for dinner. While we were doing nothing at home, Jeremy and I formed this little NBA Jam tournament with Channing, who is actually pretty good at that game. It came down to me and Jeremy in the championship game, it would have been Jer vs. Jer + Champ but a halfcourt shot by Rik Smits at the buzzer put me in the championship game, unknown to each other we picked the same team and the same two-player combination for both halfs, weird huh. That proved to be Jeremy's downfall. In the second half my Ray Allen went like 9-12 from three-point land while his Ray Allen went like 3-10, that propelled me to the title.

After dinner we went to Kenz's parent's house to chill in the hot tub and putt. Channing stayed in the hot tub for about ten minutes then ran inside. We figured he had to go potty, nope. He came out about five minutes later dressed in his clothes carrying a jar of almonds. He has my stomach, he ate more than we thought he would at Chick-fil-a and was snacking an hour later, Onions! Yes Jer got me hooked on Bill Raftery.
Then came the infamous day in the trip, Saturday, the day we had to leave. That was probably the worst twelve hours I have spent, coming home was way too hard. Especially when we have to return to school, pffffff.