Granstville Vs. Defending State Champions Bear River
This week we played Bear River. Sorry that there are no action pictures or atleast pictures of me on the field, but that is not my fault. Anywho, So the J.V. game went pretty well in the first half with the halftime score being 18-0. But for some reason it seems that our JV can only play one half at full speed because in the second half they started making a little bit of a come back
but we still won 28-18. The dumbest part of the whole game is that i only went in for 2 plays, In practice I was in almost every play on scout d and still I barely played on thurday.
The Varsity is a little bit more of a story this week believe it or not. The halftime score was 2o-6 with Bear River ahead. Now I'm going to go to the last 2 minutes of the game because that is the only interesting part. So it is tied up 20-20 with 1:58 to go and it is 4th and 6 with us at the 8 yard line. We try and kick a field goal for the first time all season including PATs so we were really nervous. So were all on the sideline watching and it goes in so we go crazy. 23-20 with us ahead with 1:48 to go. We kick it off and tackle them on there 20 yard line. On 1st down they throw an incomplete pass same with 2nd and 3rd, so it is 4th down and 10 with 58 seconds remaining. On 4th down they run a QB sneak and get it. So they complete some passess to get too the 12 yard line with 13 seconds to go. We thought this would be the last play of the game, nevertheless they threw an imcomplete pass, We start celebrating and then look at the clock only to see 2 seconds to go. 2 seconds to go on the 12 yard line. There quarterback is scrambling and barely gets a pass off then gets leveled( which is awsome to see when it is the last play of the game) ball in the air and gets batted down WE WIN!!!. It was pretty awsome. But the bus ride home was another story. The varstiys but was leaking anti-freeze so we had to cram onto our bus for 2 hours untill we got home. The funniest thing about this though is that we beat the worst team in 3a by 3 points, and we beat the defending state champs by 3. ha ha, ok then. The freshman were the only ones to lose there score was 39-13. Brett said they played really bad though. One last thing we had a 7:00 P.m. practice on Tuesday because of parent teacher confrenses. Coach said we would "condense" it to 2 hours, Ha, nobody believed him. we got done with practice at 9:45 because of a Curfew that you can't practice past 10:00. And it was 40 degrees out there so that didn't help.