First Track Meet of the Year
Our weeks are getting less and less stuff to actually tell about. Track was our main event this week. On Tuesday we had our first meet of the year, I did a lot better than last year. Brett did pretty good too. My relay team ran our 4x100 11 seconds faster than last year. If we keep that pattern up we will have the world record next year. ha ha, yeah right. That was really the only highlight of our week. We just watched basketball the other days. Yesterday I had to wake up at 5:30 am for Temple babtizms. After the babtizms we went to McDonalds for breakfast, it was my first time having fast food in 6 months, I felt sick all day after eating that. Today of course the games are during church so hopefully we watch a "movie" in sunday school. We ordered a new remote off of Ebay this week, it feels so good to be able to sit down and change the channel and stuff.