This web cam stuff can be really fun, but it also comes with a lot of work and ideas. Jeremy and I have been "video calling" each other for the past couple days about 2-3 times a day, just to try and get things cleared up. It's really fun to be able to see Chan, Samara, Jer, and Kenz and package, in what is close to person. If we get to the point where we can clearly talk to each other, I would highly recommend one. There is a confrence call setting, It's not a video confrence call but at least we could all talk to each other. I will keep you updated on the progress. In other news this week, there is only one more week of football left. JV didn't play this week because Ogden found out that we had a 5 game winning streak and have outscored our last 5 opponents 206-44. No the real reason is because they said they had to save there players for varsity, What. It was varsity's last chance to get into playoffs and they lost 28-23.

While the Traveling team is at the game freezing, guess where the rest of the football team that doesn't travel go. Our house. Brett had some friends over and played a literal game of table tennis. It was probably a lot more fun than I had. It is UEA this week, so our game was on Wednesday and we have the rest of the week off, and with no practices, because it is illegal, or else we would. It has been a nice break. We went to the Utah game yesterday, in the seats that dad gets through work, it was a pretty fun game to watch at first but got old fast.