Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tune up for Golf Try-outs

This past Thursday, Friday and Saturday mom and I tagged along on one of dad's business trips to Wyoming and Idaho. On Thursday afternoon we packed up and headed to Star Valley, Wyoming and stayed on the Cabin Creek Inn. If you haven't been there you have you own little cabin to stay in that are actually pretty nice inside.Then when we woke up we packed up and headed off the Jackson Hole to deliver some cars and talk to some other courses in the that area. On are way to one of the courses there was this Snake River lookout place. It was a great veiw of the river and the Grand Tetons.

Then we headed off the Driggs, Wyoming. Why? Why else but to golf. We hit 9 holes at the Targhee Village golf course. It was a fun little 9 hole course out in the middle of nowhere.

We then made our way to Idaho Falls were we stayed in the Comfort Inn (not as cool as the Cabins). Then on Saturday we woke up and headed off the Sage Lakes golf course to hit 9 holes before we headed home. That was fun, it was a great course, the ground was so soft that I probably put more divots on there fairways then anyone before. But they were good divots meaning that I hit ball first so the ball went were I wanted it. You could say that I felt like a pro.
Plus I almost had a hole-in-one, on the 8th hole I hit my pitching wedge about a foot away from the pin and tapped in for the birdie.

Monday, July 20, 2009

2 weeks more

No even though Taylor does get home in 2 weeks that is not the reason. In two weeks Golf Try-outs start and Taylor and I will start golfing everyday, YES! I can't wait. But for now life is still pretty boring.

On Friday Brad Gessell got home from his mission in Richmond, Virginia. So we went to the Cowbay Grub in Salt Lake to have lunch and welcome him home. He is definitely a lot more talkative person now that he has been on a mission. That was fun, then on Sunday we traveled up to Vernal to listen to him speak and have lunch. I drove up there and I got really mad that through work zones even when no one is working we had to slow down to 45 mph and of course being a young driver mom wouldn't let me speed. So it was great to have a 10 car line following us all through the work zone.

Have a great week. 16 days,

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Going, Going, Gone

This week was a normal Summer week, golf, Whose Line, Jeopardy, yada yada yada. But then on Friday morning Dad took Taylor to the airport for Taylor's "internship" in California. Taylor went down to spend three weeks with Jer and Kenz and to work for CargoBay. So far it has been great, I took over his bed (it is a lot more comfortable then mine), I can be really loud in the mornings because no one is still sleeping and I don't have to wait for him to finish a Whose Line episode so I can use the computer. If this is a tale of things to come(Taylor going to college) I am going to love my senior year of High School. No offense Taylor.

Sorry no pictures. Yah I know we are boring.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Another Summer Day

The beginning of the week was the norm, wake up, breakfast, whose line is it anyway, Jeopardy on the PSone and so on. Then on Thursday we went and golfed Eaglewood. Dad's company sponsored one of Eaglewood's event's so we got 18 holes with a cart FREE (this is like a $25 course). It was great up until the 12th hole, I had just come off three straight pars and 4 pars in my last 5 holes so of course with my luck, halfway down the fairway we hit a terrential downpour of rain. It was so bad that while we were driving back to the clubhouse, we had to stop playing, it felt like we were getting hit with hail. Then we headed home to change and pack our things for a weekend to watch Jackson, Kate and Ellie while Shane and Heather had a little mini-vacation.
We were going to go golfing down in Spanish Fork so we could get some experience for High School but the forecast said it was supposed to rain all Friday so we didn't take our clubs. Of course, with the luck we had had the past few days, it was sunny and clear the entire day. At least Shane and Heather had good weather for their River Rafting Trip. Then on Saturday we had a little mini-celebration for Shane's birthday when we gave him his presents.

As some of you may know this post was by Brett who officially took over the "Duty" of blogging while Taylor is in California working with Jeremy.