Summer is to the boring stage where you don't want to go back to school yet but you don't want to be bored anymore. So my week consisted of reading some books ( thanks to Jer) and going to football. Actually there was a highlight of my week. Mom and Dad went to Jackson Hole on Thursday and Brett was at B-ball camp, so I got the house to myself for a couple days. I stayed the nights at Shane and Heathers, where I got introduced to
Fear Itself, sounds scary huh, its not, ok it is a little scary and disturbing, and it is the one show where commercial breaks are nice. You can just unclamp your hands from the pillow and untense your whole body. Friday at 7 a.m. I got a lovely wake up call from Brett saying that he was sick and I had to go pick him up from UVU, so that was fun. Saturday we went over to S and H's to watch a movie and have pizza. So we watched
The Village, sounds scary huh, its not, ok it is a little startling, but not disturbing, it also is confusing. Sunday we went up to Patti's for a Fathers Day BBQ, that was nice. I watched a video of Brocks first fight, he won, end of story. Mom left for Girls Camp this week, so I get another week alone, well Brett's home this time.